F.lli Pietta

Modern Masterpieces: The History of Engraving by Italians and More – 4 of 4

The Starr Single Action was the Union’s third most used sidearm. Pietta’s SA model is the only reproduction of a historic break action revolver. The luxury model engraved by Dassa, copied from an original post-Secession War period weapon, is a beautiful model inlaid with silver and gold.

The Secession War Sesquicentennial Starr Single Action is the most distinctive 150th anniversary tribute with engravings based on an original single-action model inlaid and embellished with gold elements, one of many made in the same style in the 1860s.

This is the most elaborate of the commemorative weapons and also one of the most expensive models to make because of the gold and silver inlay work, the latter used on the top of the barrel.

There are two Remington models, the first with engravings based on a display weapon given to Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer.

The second is based on a Remington house Army model dipped in gold, silver-plated and engraved at Nimschke presented to Major General George Meade in honor of his victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. The Pietta home version made by Dassa will be finished in gold and nickel and engraved in the same style.

The most prolific sidearm of federal troops during the War of Secession was the Colt 1860 Army. Pietta makes an excellent copy of the four-bolt cavalry model designed to have a detachable shoulder stock. Dassa’s model is engraved with a design based on a unique example presented to General Ulysses S. Grant. The original weapon, also pictured, had ivory grips.

There will be an 1860 Army, based on a display model given to General Ulysses S. Grant. Although he never took it into battle, the weapon remained within the Grant family for generations.

It is distinguished by a banner over the top of the barrel on which is engraved “Union and Freedom.”

Although the engraver is unknown, the scroll style with vine leaves is not, and it adorns an 1851 Army model owned by Confederate General Robert E. Lee. The Lee Navy served as the inspiration for Pietta and Dassa’s hand-engraved 1851.

The 1851 Navy model brings an additional sense of balance to the North and South by being a copy of the round-guard model carried by General Robert E. Lee.

Although all of these weapons are “inspired” by the originals, there are still some important differences, mainly in the design of the grips, which were originally made of ivory, ivory with silver-inscribed cartridges, or rare wood, such as the ebony grips of General Grant’s Model 1860 Army.

In many ways one might have custom pistol grips, but the revolvers themselves are the most important part of this historic line of limited-edition commemorative firearms.

All Dassa models will be available through Dixie Guns Works, as at Dassa Engravings and on Pietta.com.

Comparing prices between handmade and laser-made engravings certainly makes the case for new technologies.

  • Hand-engraved Centennial Long Colt Buntline with checkered .45 caliber grips $11, 495
  • Long Colt .45 caliber laser-engraved $625
  • Long Colt Bat Masterson .45 caliber hand-engraved $2,465
  • Long Colt .45 caliber laser-engraved $595
  • Long Colt Bill Tilghman .45 caliber hand-engraved $4575
  • Long Colt .45 caliber laser engraved $620
  • Starr S.A. .44-caliber hand-engraved percussion with gilded inscriptions $9,500
  • Laser-etched 44-caliber percussion $625
  • 1858 Remington of General George A. Custer .44 caliber hand-engraved percussion $4,575
  • 44-caliber laser-etched percussion $485
  • 1858 Remington by General George Meade .44 caliber hand-engraved percussion $4,925
  • Laser-etched 44-caliber percussion $765
  • 1860 Army Union & Liberty General Ulysses Grant .44 caliber hand-engraved percussion $3,860
  • Laser-etched 44-caliber percussion $415
  • 1851 Navy by Robert E. Lee 36-caliber hand-engraved percussion with steel bands and underguard $2,445
  • Laser-etched 36-caliber percussion $342

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